
Thursday 27 January 2011

EVALUATION 2. How Effective the Combination of The Main Product and Ancillary Texts

This presentation shows the main area that have been carried on through out our video and our ancillary products it also includes images as evidence. I have also explained each section and the reason for why I have used these aspects.

The two images bellow are two of my initial ideas for the album front cover which the end I did not use because after reviewing it I found that it did not work as it just had too much going on.

This image was the original image that I was going to sue but after asking my target audience they said that they did not like it because there was just to much going on and looks to complicated and they said that it needed to be less active and focus on one particular part.

This image is the same as the above one except on this one I made the four band members in the middle carton like by adding an effect on photo shop, ufortunatly I had already made the alteration before I asked my audience, and they also said this one was rubbish and not very good however the cartoon effect was better that the characters with no effect, but still was poor and did not work.

This is the third front cover that I changed as a possible option for my original front cover the alteration that I made to this that I turned it all into black and white which I got the ideas from my research into linkin park as they seem to use black and white in many of the products, however I had already made this before I had asked my audience and as like the two above they did not like the whole idea they thought the black and white was not too bad but the actual content did not work.

Having listened to my audience feedback I decided to scrap the above ideas and decided that I need to create something more simple to do this I looked into front covers that I liked and basically copy it and then adding my own photos and colours. I decide that I want my colour them to be black and white so that it is similar to Linkin Park, I also choose it because many front covers that I liked used black and white such as.
  • Linkin park
  • Carruretors 
  • West life ( Liked one of their album cover similar to my final product)

This image is my final Album front cover that I used as you can see I tried to replicate the Blur album cover as it was suggested to me by my audience and also that the fact that I really like it as well the changes made is that I changed it to black and white as shown above.

This is the Blur album cover that I replicated and as you can see I have used my own images to try and create the same idea.

The second album cover that I used to help me with my inspiration was the Westlife album cover you may think this is strange choice to use as they are not rock band but more of pop band however their album I really like and it has many of the same features as the Blur cover in the way it is layout and has all four band members in each corner.

As you can see form the image it is very similar to the Blur cover , however the main reason I like it is because it is in black and white which is what I was hopping to achieve with mine as at first I was unsure whether the idea would work but now I am able to see and existing idea that works which gave me the confidence that could work. I also used this cover as my main inspiration, however I decided that having the title at the top may not work so decided not to have it as I thought the Blur one looked better so have not put the title on mine.

The Scribd document  shows the process that I went through when deciding on my album front cover because  i found this the hardest part of the Dig-pack because it probably the most import aspect of it because it is the first thing that stands out at the person looking at the product so it needs to be eye-catching and want to make them look in side. And as you will see in the document it shows my first idea and then where i went from their until I reached the final product the document explains why I had choose each idea and what the good and bad points were and also what the teacher thought.

evlation medaia question 2
For some reason the document layout seems to be wrong because some of the pictures seem to be overlapping the righting and the arrows are not where they should be however the actual document seems to be fine, however once I put it onto Scribd it seems to alter it I played around with the word document and then re uploaded it but it just does the same so I am not sure why.

For my Digi pack I got a lot of my inspiration from verity of sources and artist I tried to keep the colours of the digipack similar to the linkin Park colour which seem to black and white I looked in to a verity of Rock bands and other groups such as: For each of the following I it will explain which part I used from them and why.

  • Linkin park
  • Greenday 
  • Blur 
  • Carruretors 
  • West life 

Create your own video slideshow at

This is an Animoto presentation that I created on Animoto it shows my digipack that I created as part of my music video, as you can see my digipack has carried on the black and white theme because I wanted to try and be as consistent as possible and I also wanted it to follow my research because it mainly has black and white theme. In this video I have also used some bright colours such as red on a few of the titles and the the colours on the band members clothing however I have faded the images as shown in the images with the inside left and right.

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