
Thursday 30 September 2010

Music Video Inspiration (involves games)

I know this is random but I have just watched this video on YouTube, and it made me think that if possible we should incorporated some shots from a game of some even if it's only a few seconds... obviously we would have to find a decent one which would fit into our narrative (which btw will be on the blog soon just got to finish animoto video) and not ruin the feel of the video. It was only an idea which was inspired by the most random youtube video which doesn't have anything to do with music videos.

Croft location pictures research ideas.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

the use of alcohol in our music video

for our music video I have came up with the idea of a man in a pub/bar/party drowning all of his sorrows with alcohol and I have received this idea from watching the Beastie Boys Fight for youre right to party music video and the use of alcohol in this music video was when one of the Beastie boys pours a bottle of Spanish Fly in the punch and this is typical of an American party, also in the video there are grey and some red plastic, disposable cups and these are also typical in an American party as they are in all videos based in America where there is a party and an example in a film would be:
Tranformers 2 when Sam goes into the house where there is a party and writes a series or seemingly random lines and letters here is a shot from the scene and the drinks cups are show in a red circle:
if we are going to use the alcoholic part in our video then we would need to find an English alternative for using the alcohol as it will then fit in with what we are going to be applying in our music video and here are a few alternatives that I have came up with:
I have also came up with an idea to use a beer bong although this is not a typical English drinking method it is mostly common in parties and it I think that it would be a possible idea to use it...

Smooth Criminal Alien Ant Farm


Monday 27 September 2010

moodboard 1 (musical instruments)

Create your own video slideshow at

our 25 word pitch

the beastie boys fight for your right music video analysis

I have chosen to analyse the music video fight for your right by the beastie boys and this is partially because it has given me some ideas that we could put into our music video of choice and some of the inspiration that I have found are in this music video and they are:
the use of alcohol - this is shown in the music video by the beastie boys at around the time of 1:33, I have thought of using this in our music video as it can be used for many different narrative e.g. partying, drowning sorrows away, celebrating something and so on...
the use of breaking objects in the house - this is shown at the first time at around 1:38 into the music video and this is a man smashing a glass bottle over his head, then breaking objects is shown throughout the music video and some of them are: smashing guitar, HI-FI smoking, smashing TV with baseball bat and then there is a lot of cream pies being thrown around. I have thought of using this in our music video as it can be used to show aggression and hatred.
This music video have theories from the theorists and the theories are:
Andrew Goodwin (illustrate) - this is used in the video as it shows that there is a party and the two brothers that live in the house are not putting up a fight and this all links / matches to the lyrics that are in the song. I think that this is a very good way of adding to the music in the video as it does not confuse the audience and it gives the video a narrative. I think that we should use this technique when filming our music video.
Laura Mulvey (male gaze) - this is used in the music video as there are lots of girls in the clips and they do nothing important all they do is stand there and this is linked to the male gaze as it makes them objects and they are the for display only.
Sigmund Freud - this is shown in the video when the artists are staring at the girls bums and the girls are unaware of this, this is what Sigmund's theory is as it is all about sexual pleasures by looking at a sexual object.
general theories - the video establishes a link between the lyrics and the video as what is sung is seen on the video
Sven E Carlsson (performance clip) - the music video has moments when the artists are just singing and there for the theory performance clip can be applied to this music video
Sven E Carlsson (narrative clip) - the music video is mainly all narrative and therefore it is linked to the theory of narrative clip by Sven E Carlsson.

gorillaz feel good inc music video analysis

I have chosen to analyse the music video Feel good inc. by the Gorillaz and this is because I have gathered some ideas that we could use in our music video and some of the inspirations that I have got are:
the special effects - this is shown in the music video by all of the video being animated and this has given me an idea to use in our music video that we will be making (I have thought of using a green screen editing effect to make the person look like they are in an impossible place)
name of the song in the video (writing) - this is shown at the beginning of the music video and it says the name of the song and this has given me an idea to apply the name of the song that we will be producing a video for somewhere in the video e.g. in background, on a stage ect...
shots of the artists playing instruments - this is typical of a rock genre of music and it is shown through ought the music video and this has given me the idea to apply musical instruments into our music video.
This music video has a theory from the theorists and the theory's are:
Andrew Goodwin (disjunctive) - most of this music video is disjunctive and this is because the main structure of the video is all about the artists playing their instruments and it seems like they are at a concert performing to a crowd, I do not like this type of video in a music video as is has no storyline and therefore it does not go with the song.
Andrew Goodwin (illustrate) - there are some moments in this music video when there are moments where there is an illustrate in the video, but this is only when the lyrics windmill are sung.
Steve Archer - this music video cuts between artists performing and a bit of narrative
General theories - the genre of the music is reflected in the video and this is shown by the props, location and performance
Sven E Carlsson (Performance clip) - most of the music video is based around the artists performing and this means that this theory fits in with the video

muse the resistance analysis

I have chosen to analyse the music video resistance by muse and this is because I have gathered some ideas from the video that we could use in our music video and here is a list of the inspirations that this music video has given me:
the lighting - this is shown through out the music video and this has given me some ideas for the lighting that we can put into our music video that we will be making and some of the lighting ideas are: the spot lights, the green lasers, the lights on the walls / pillars and the lights flashing/flickering.
the way that the artists are presented - the artists are shown to be on a big stage with lots of lights and they are also in the middle of what seem to be giant pillars covered with lights and this has given me an idea of how we could present the artists in our music video
the stage - in this music video there is a massive stage in which the artists are performing on to a crowd of people and this has given me an idea on how to start off our music video as we could ask if we could use the colleges stage to film a section of our music video on.
This music video have theories from the theorists and the theories are:
Andrew Goodwin (disjunctive) - this music video is disjunctive and this is because throughout the whole of the video there is nothing that suggests that the video is linking to the lyrics in the video and I do not like this type of music video as there is no storyline and therefore it does not go with the song.
General theories - the tempo of the song drives the editing and the lighting in the video, the genre is presented by the stage performance and mise en scene, the editing is done in fast cuts to keep up with the beat
Sven E carlsson (performance clip) - this video is all shots of the artists performing at a ocncert and there fore it is a performance clip
Sven E carlsson (music) - this video has the music shaping the clips editing and the video

Rock Mood board 1 created on Animoto

Create your own video slideshow at

moodboard 1 (people in the bands)

Create your own video slideshow at

Sunday 26 September 2010

Mood Board

25 Word Pitch

Busted Prelim Evaluation

I believe that the things I could improve upon on from this video is the editing in this video I am really unhappy with my quality of editing on the video, even though we are missing clips, the lip syncing is appalling and most of the time they don't fit, the person will start to sing to late/early or just doesn't quite go as it should this make the video overall look poor. If I could do this again the lips syncing would improve and wouldn't look so poor.
The filming was good although because there was props that we couldn't get a hold of there was missing shots which then had to be left blank due to trying to get the lip syncing correctly.

What I've Done Music Video ideas and inspiration

We could have shots of a person doing something they shouldn't have done e.g. steel from a shop ( but they get worse at doing what they have done e.g. steel more etc) then show them starting to feel regret and guilt and then show them start to feel uncomfortable with them selves for what they have done. The then attempt to repair the damage

What I've Done video inspiration and ideas

What I've Done by Linkin Park is the song we are looking at producing a video for, I have had an idea for the video we could make it would be a video which Starts with a shots of a couple in love, then cross cuts to flowers growing, cross cuts back to one of the couple cheating (either man/woman) then arguing, spliting up. We would then cross cut back to the flowers dying and wilting then a shot of the soil where the flowers would have been.
The Flowers could be a representation of the couple's love growing and dying

I can see a problem with the idea though, this would be we would have to get permission of somebody to use their shots as we wouldn't have the time to film our own as it would take ages to get the types of shots which would be necessary for the video.

30 Seconds To Mars From Yesterday (to be finished)

30 Seconds To Mars made this video for From Yesterday in China, it's believed to be the first video from an american band to be made entirely in "The Peoples of republic China", it is filmed inside of a chinese fort/monestry. The video like Foo Fighters Monkey Wrench and Red Hot Chili Peppers Can't Stop, is also Disjunctive. The video has no apparent relation between the lyrics and the video. I like

Red Hot Chili Peppers Cant Stop Review

This Red Hot Chili Peppers Can't Stop, I chose to review this video because it's disjunctive which seems to be the case with most rock songs I have been looking at on Youtube, Vevo, TV channels/shoes. I believe this is a good video from RHCP because it's still interesting but at the same time strange and confusing. There are certain sections of the video which make me think that we could do something similar to that e.g. the start with the camera shot with the tunnel.
Even though the video is disjunctive which means it has no related meaning to the lyrics of the song, the video doesn't have any meaning or reference to anything.

This section of the video, with the camera going down the Yellow tubing, is the part which I like the most and would like to incorporate something like this into our music video, but I expect it wouldn't fit into the type of video we are looking to produce so it's likely that we'll never end up using an effect like that.
I think that it's a great method and original, I don't know of any other type of music video where something similar to this is used. The only way I think we could use it is if we used it as a transition prompt between past/future and present day or a similar effect.

Monkey Wrench, Foo Fighters Review

The Foo Fighters' Monkey Wrench is Disjunctive, because there isn't any linked meaning between the lyrics of the song to the video that they have made.
All the members of the band star in the video, you see them either singing, or playing the drums and guitars or as poeple who live in the appartment/appartments nearby.
Band members consist of Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Nate Mendel and Chris Shiftlett
They use various type of editing in the video which

Andrew Goodwin notes

Illustrate - This is where the meaning of the song's lyrics show meaning in the images seen in the video
Disjunctive - Where the songs meaning is completely ignored and the video has no related meaning
Allite - Sequences of the music video are repeated (e.g. churus sections have similar sections)

Review of Music Videos

The music videos I am going to review are;

Here are their Music Videos respectively;

Mind Map of ideas for 'What I've Done' - Working Progress

Although I'm not yet sure which video I will make I have started to develop ideas for music videos I like.
This is for Linkin Park's What I've Done, I like this song and have had a few ideas for it.  I haven't completed my mind map for this music video.

I plan on making a couple more of these mind maps for other songs that I like, I hope to include;
  • Learn To Fly - Foo Fighters
  • Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
  • In The End and Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park

Prodigy - Warriors Dance and Invaders Must Die

Warriors Dance

Invaders Must Die

Although I don't think I would

Prodigy - Warriors Dance and Invaders Must Die

Warriors Dance

Invaders Must Die

Although I don't think I would

Can't Stop and Under the Bridge from Red Hot Chili Peppers

I wanted to embed to videos from RHCP in this post but couldn't find their official music video to embed, the two videos that I wanted to embed was Can't Stop and Under the Bridge.

Can't Stop

Under the Bridge

Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care

Fall Out Boy I Don't Care

Burn Burn by Lost Prophets

Music Video

The Wilderness Downtown

This video is pretty cool, I would like to have some similar shoots in our music video, and would also like to have some interactivity inside it like they have, although I would have to learn the HTML5 language first. I might try to incorporated some Flash into my video though if we decide it would be appropriate.

Ideas for Music Video selection (use of new technology)

This is a link to a widget, you can add it to your blog which, allows you to set up a poll. This allows people to vote, on a question and answer of which, you have set.

Effects for music video

I like how Linkin Park TV have used these special effects at the beginning and end of their lptv episodes, I think if we incorporated some effects like this into a section of a music video it would look good.

The Catalyst and Bleed It Out by Linkin Park

The Catalyst official music video from Linkin Park

The Catalyst from Medal of Honour trailer

Bleed it Out

Not Afraid and Like Toy Soldiers by Eminem

When I Come Around and Holiday by Green Day

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;rel=0">
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<object style="height: 344px; width: 425px;"><param name="movie" value="">
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What I've Done video inspiration and ideas

What I've Done by Linkin Park is the song we are looking at producing a video for, I have had an idea for the video we could make it would be a video which Starts with a shots of a couple in love, then cross cuts to flowers growing, cross cuts back to one of the couple cheating (either man/woman) then arguing, spliting up. We would then cross cut back to the flowers dying and wilting then a shot of the soil where the flowers would have been.
The Flowers could be a representation of the couple's love growing and dying

I can see a problem with the idea though, this would be we would have to get permission of somebody to use their shots as we wouldn't have the time to film our own as it would take ages to get the types of shots which would be necessary for the video.

Friday 24 September 2010

Prop list

Prop List

As part of our preliminary we needed to create a list of props that we needed in order to make the music video, this was important because we needed have the props ready on the day we were going to film. The prop list that we came up with as a class is as follows.

  • Black board 
  • Projector (old school)
  • Ties and white shirts
  • Guitar x3 for the 3 members of the group 
  • Table and chairs 
  • Red pencil
  • Paper/books 
  • Chalk
  • School uniforms white shirt and black trousers
  • Girls 
  • Black bracelet  
  • Class room 
  • White trainers with red
  • Red nail varnish 
  • Red lipstick 
  • Red pencil Skirt
  • Background boys 
The props that I needed to wear for my part in the video was:
  • White shirt 
  • Trousers 
  • Tie 
  • White trainers plus normal ones

Risk assessment for Busted Preliminary

As well as having a Prop list we also needed to create a risk assessment for the video, so that we would be aware of the hazards and have measures in place to reduce the likely hood of these hazards happen. To create the best risk assessment we worked together as a group to work out all the potential hazards, the hazards that we came up with are shown in the table below and  as you can see for every hazard it shows how we can minimize the risk.

How it can be minimized
Table +chairs falling over
Make sure that all table and chairs are at the side of the room out the way
Jumping up and down and falling aucadally  
Make sure that you do not jump to high and to fast as  this is when injure is most likely to occur.
Dark room
Make sure a light is turned out before so that we inspect the floor and room to see what hazards it has, before we start filming
Wires lying around
Make sure the wires are tied up and out of the way and in the corner, do not film in areas where cables and wires can not be moved.
People at the Gates
Make sure that  there is somebody at the gate weather it is a student or anther member of staff in school to make sure that nobody gets in the gates when we are filming the out door scene v
Do not stair straight into the projector as it may blind or cause eye damage so make sure nobody stairs straight into it at any time
Chewing gum
Do not chew gum when filming as it may cause an accident such as choking so make sure nobody in the group is chewing
Barging through people
Do not barge roughly through the people as it may cause injure, the best ways is to make it look aggressive but be gentle, also the people should move slightly as the person approaches them, to reduce the impact.
Bending down knee
Make sure that when you bend down you do not do it suddenly as this is when injure is most likely to occur, the best ways it do it gradually
Sensible shoes
Where sensible shoes for the scene  because we do not want people to twist their ankle due to the wrong shoes for example for the scene out side you cant wear hi heals because when you jump  you are bound to land awkwardly.
Guitar strap
Make sure the guitar strap is fastened properly so that the guitar does not fall or hit anyone else close by.
Paper cut
Take care when dealing with paper and try to keep fingers loose and do not grip the paper to tight as this is when cuts are more likely to happen
Long nails
Make sure that when coming into contact with other people they are not rough with their hands as this is cuts will happen so try to avoid to using your hands if you have long nails, this could be done by getting somebody else to do the scene who does not have long nails.

Mood board for Rock Genre

My Hero and Breakout by Foo Fighters

Link to Official Foo Fighters Breakout Video from their YouTube
Channel (Embedding this video was disabled)

Ideas for Music Video

Ideas for my Music Video, they aren't written down in any specific order but I have just made some basic notes on what I think we could do, and would look good.

Music video ideas

Songs I Like and think could be possible songs to choose from for when I make a music video

21 Guns - Green Day

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
My Hero - Foo Fighters
Can't Stop - RHCP
Time is Running Our - Muse
Uprising - Muse
All the Right Moves - One Republic
No Tomorrow - Orson
No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
Go With the Flow - Queens of the Stone Age
The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars
From Yesterday - 30 Seconds to Mars

Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters

(To see the video on YouTube click link below)

This is my personal favourite because I have had some ideas for how I could make the Music Video

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Pre Production

At the beginning of the prelim task, the first thing that we did was go through the busted music video around 6-7 times, we produce a list of all of the props and the mise en scene in all of the scenes until the video reach the time 1:14 (doing this has improved my awareness of looking into all of the props and mise en scene), then the next step was to look into the risk assessment (this has improved my knowledge of what can be dangerous and I will now have a greater knowledge of what put on the risk assessment), once we had the risk assessment done we then moved onto making the story board and this was achieved in short time as we divided the time into around 30 seconds each and I was in charge of story boarding the last 30 seconds of the music video with Fred (this has helped me learn how to make a storyboard more faster rather than one member of the team making the whole thing and wasting time), then we got back together in our group and we had a completed story board. I think that my weaknesses were:

The risk assessment – this was because I picked out a few amounts of the risks that could potentially happen and I will try to improve this weakness by practicing in my own time e.g. at home / free periods.

Listing all of the mise en scene – this was because I did not list what was in the background and i only listed what I could see on the characters, also my listing was not clear, I will try to improve this by listing everything that I can see in every shot and I will add sub titles to improve the organisation and to make it clear.


In the duration of the production of the music video I had the role of the camera man and I was also directing the outside scene of the video. I think that my strong points were matching the shots up with the original music videos as when we uploaded them onto the Macs we compared them to the original shots and they were almost the same shots as the original, I think that I will not need to improve on this skill as it was really good. However my weakness here was my directing as I was not loud enough to tell the group what I wanted to do and others had to help me get their attention, this was a major flaw as a director is bold and brash, I would improve this skill by talking more often to members of the class who I don’t really know and I will gain in confidence.Then when we were editing our music video I think that my skill barely changed as in the first year I was on my own and I did the whole thing by myself and this gave me the chance to gain much experience with the editing. I think that my editing was improve by a little amount and if I was to improve my editing skills I would have to practice at home with more complex editing techniques.

Post Production

I think that my directing skills have improved by a dramatic amount by doing this prelim, but I think that I still need to improve on it a lot more. My mise en scene listing and risk assessment has also dramatically improved and I have now got many ways to work on and improve them skills. In the making of this music video I have been proficient throughout although I think that I may need to work on my organisation skills, other than that I think that I did to the best of my capacity. Although I think that some of my skills have not yet improved I have massively improved on my weaknesses and I will now try to improve all of my skill even more over the time before we start the production of our music videos.

Preliminary Video Busted That's What I go to school for

At the moment there is an error with the video, I got an email from Youtube saying that because We have used the Busted song because it's not owned by us.
There are certain shots that we were missing whilst editing the video.

possible music that we might use

music video research: The Rock Show by Blink-182

This music video is The Rock Show by Blink-182. This video is bassed at the artists going around streets and giving money that they have recieved as a grant away to lots of different people e.g. they see a homeless person and give him a suit and money... the story line of this music video is the artists going around and giving lots of people money. I think that this music video has some good techniques that I may use in my final music video.

Music Video: Undisclosed Desires (alt rock research)

This music video is Undisclosed desires by Muse. This music video is based in possibly a warehouse where there are lights that are all over the floor and on the walls ect... there is then a girl dancing in the room. The story line of this music video is the artist is talking to the girl that is dancing and she is ignoring him. I think that some of the ideas that have been used in this music video are very good and I will consider using them in my music video.

Camera shots used in 21 Guns

close up - this is used to show all of the expressions in the artists and the people's faces e.g. when bullets are shooting through the wall the woman is screaming and looks scared
zoom - this is mainly used in the first half of the music video and it is used to tell the audience what to focus on
over shoulder shot - this is used a couple of time throughout the video and they are, shots of the artists, when woman is on chair arm and man in background and some more
two person shot - this is used mainly to focus on the two people in the music video when they are together as a couple and it is also used sometimes on the artists
establishing shot - this is used mainly on the artists to show the audience that the artists are in the hotel room with the actors
mid shot - this is mainly used with the artists, how ever there are moments when it focuses on the actors e.g. when the actors walk up to each other and hug
extreme close up - this is used to emphasise the shooting and what damage it causes e.g. all of the glass vases being smashed
long shot - this is used to show the audience what is happening in the video and it has all of the actors and artists in the shot
low angle shots - this is mainly used on the artists, however there is a couple of shots that are if the actors e.g. when the telephone rings
tracking shot - this is used when the two actors are walking to each other and the camera follows them walking
pan shot - this is used throughout the video, but is mainly used at the last half of it e.g. when the actors are together hugging

Music video: Green Day 21 Guns (alt rock research)

This music video is 21 Guns by Green Day. This music video is based possibly at a motel and there is a woman looking out of the window through the blinds... then when the words one twenty one guns are sung then there is a shower of bullets shooting into the room. The story line of this music video is a couple that are in love and they are running possibly from a gang and the gang is shooting at the motel the couple are in.

Camera shots used in What I've Done

This music video is mainly clips of history from the past e.g. the nuke, Vietnam war and so on... there for I will list all of the shots that are of the artists playing the song...

point of view shot - this is of the scorpion at the beginning
pan - this is used to show the audience the surrounding of the artists and it is used to introduce all of the artists one by one
extreme close up - this is used mainly to focus on the cogs and the function of a clock or wrist watch
tracking shot - this is used for when there is a clip of nature e.g. the eagle gliding or the scorpion at the beginning
close up - this is used to show the audience what to focus on e.g. the drummer, the guitar, the DJ or the singer ect...
tilt shot - this shot is only used on the drummer throughout the song
low angle shot - this is used on all of the artists
two person shot - this is only used on the two singers and one of which has a guitar
establishing shot - this is used at the beginning with the scorpions point of view as it shows the audience where they are
mid shot - this is used when the audience can see all of the artists in the video
aerial shot - this is mainly used on the DJ but it is also used on the main singer around 3 times
zoom - this is only used on the guitars
zoom out - this is used to show all of the artists in the video and it starts off with the singer and then zooms out to show all of the artists

Music video: What I've Done (alt rock research)

This music video is What I've Done by Linkin Park. This music video is based at all of the bad points in the history of the earth e.g. making the atom bomb and street riots, the KKK, Hitler ect... also in the music video there are some clips of good achievements like making Stone Henge, popular buildings, sky scrapers, Gandhi, giving life to nature and so on... this means that this music video is looking at all of the bad points whilst looking at some of the good points that man has done.

camera shots used in Dirty Harry

establishing shot - this is used at the beginning of the music video and there are about 3
pan - this is used at the site of a plane crash, when there is a shot in the truck the camera pans around to the passengers
close up - this is used when there is a shot of a crashed plane, when the artist is playing the keyboard, also a few times focusing on the truck, a shot of a snake, man driving the truck, beetle, singer crushing rocks
long shot - this is used mainly when the video is focusing on the truck
low angle- this is mainly used when the non animated artist jumps out of the sand, it is also at the beginning when the flare is shot
mid shot - this is used mainly when the artist is playing the keyboard and also when the kids are dancing to the music
two person shot - this is mainly used when the artists in the truck can be seen and there is also some two person shots with the children dancing to the music
tracking shot - this is mainly used with the truck, it is also used when the artist playing the keyboard is dancing
over shoulder shot - this is used mainly with the children and the artist playing the keyboard, it is also used sometimes with the artists in the truck
zoom shot - this is mainly used with the artist playing the keyboard and the children and it is the most frequently used camera shot/angle, it is also used when a man jumps out of the sand and starts singing
high angle shot - this is used when the truck arrives where the children are
extreme close up - this is used with the dung beetle on the sand
areal shot - this is mainly used for some of the establishing shots and it
zoom out shot - this is mainly used when a man jumps out of the sand and starts singing, it is also used with the artist playing the keyboard and the children and it is one of the most frequently used camera shot/angle
tilt shot - this us used with the truck, the artist playing the keyboard and with the man singing

Music video: Gorillaz, Dirty Harry (rock research)

This music video is Dirty Harry by the Gorillaz. This music video is the first of my research into the alternative rock genre of music videos and in this video there is a mix between reality and animations in, as there are cartoon children and artists and then there is all of the landscape, the truck and one of the artists. The story line of this music video is that a plane has crashed and the children need rescuing and there is a large truck comping to pick them up and also there is one of the artists playing a keyboard, singing and this is the song....

Music research names of bands and artists

Here are just a few of the bands / artists music videos that we will be looking into:

1. Green Day
2. Gorillaz
3. Muse
4. Linkin Park
5. The Big Pink

our decision on what music genre to choose form

after we had took a look at what each of us liked and put onto the blog we then discussed what we would think that was the best music genre of music to do and this was various rock genres as we have all added music that is from the rock genre, now we would look into rock music videos and look into various songs form various bands in the rock genre of music.

Music video research: Propane Nightmares by Pendulum

The video above is a music video from the drum and bass genre of music. This song is called 'Propane Nightmares' by 'Pendulum'. In this video the story is based at a church in the forest and it is full of people that are either old or who are injured e.g. man with broken leg. then there is a scene when the audience can see the artists playing all of the instruments like a guitar ect... and the priest heals all of the people in the church.

Music video research: I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas

The video above is a music video from the pop genre of music. The song is called 'I Gotta Feeling' by 'Black Eyed Peas'. In this video there are lots of people getting ready for a party and then there is a shot of them all arriving and finally they are all dancing and having a good time at the party (name of the song).

Music video research: My Hero by Foo-Fighters

The video above is from the rock genre of music. The song is called 'My Hero' by 'Foo-Fighters'. The story line behind this video is in the name it is about someone running into a house that is on fire and he is looking for the baby belonging to the woman outside of the house and inside of the house are the artists and they are invisible to the character in the video but they are visible to the audience.

Music video research: Not Afraid by Eminem

The video above is a music video from the rap genre of music. The song is called 'Not Afraid' by 'Eminem'. In this video all of the film is concentrated on the artist and it is based in a built up urban area and the video has scenes and images of not being afraid and this follows the name and lyrics of the song.

Music video research: Kickstarts by Example

The video above is a music video from the dance genre of music. The song is called 'Kickstarts' by 'Example'. In this video there is a mixture of people that have been filmed and then they have been split into three sections; the head, the torso and the legs, then in the video the people have their head, torso and legs mixed up with another two peoples body parts and this distorts the audience. I think that this is a very good idea and I might do the same technique when I am making my music video.

Music video research: Uprising by Muse

The video above is a music video that is of the alternative rock genre. The song is called ‘uprising’ by ‘Muse’ and it is from the album ‘The resistance’. In this video the world seems to be a scale model of a city and it is filled with toys e.g. toy cars, teddy bears and this makes the video look like a child is in charge of everything that is happening. I may consider using this technique when I am making my music video

Full Moon Times
This URL takes you to a website, which details the month's full moon time/date.